The white-tailed deer, scientifically known as Odocoileus virginianus, is a widely recognized species inhabiting North America. With their reddish-brown coat, white underside of their tail, and distinctive antlers in males, these graceful creatures are a common sight...
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Whitetail Deer Sounds & How to Communicate with Deer
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Deer Breeding Season (When Do Deer Rut?)
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How Fast Are Whitetail Deer? (Hunt Smarter)
Why should a hunter even care about how fast deer can run? Well, there are a few things that hunters can benefit from by knowing how fast whitetail deer are. A few of those reasons are: Just know more about the whitetail deer. Understand how fast whitetail deer move...
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This article may contain affiliate product links. I may receive a commission from sales. However, there is no extra cost to the buyer for using my affiliate link. Using my affiliate links help support The Whitetail Teacher and allow me to deliver more content to help...
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This article may contain affiliate product links. I may receive a commission from sales. However, there is no extra cost to the buyer for using my affiliate link. Using my affiliate links help support The Whitetail Teacher and allow me to deliver more content to help...
How to Rattle in Whitetail Bucks (15 Best Tips)
When trying to rattle in whitetail bucks, you want to create the most realistic sounds. It can be a challenge to create a good illusion of two bucks fighting over a hot doe. However, this article will cover everything you need to know to rattle in whitetail bucks...
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Best Time to Hunt Whitetail Deer for Your Success
In the world we live in full of technology and speed, most people are starting to become more conscious of where and how they are spending their time. Between work, family, responsibilities, and hobbies such as whitetail deer hunting, you will want to know what the...
5 Whitetail Doe Facts You Need to Know
The whitetail doe plays a big role in the chase for whitetail bucks that all whitetail hunters dream about. Without the whitetail doe, there is no rut, fewer strategies, and the entire whitetail species would go extinct. So yes, the whitetail doe is immensely...