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Having the best archery target is one crucial step to becoming a better whitetail deer hunter; however, it is also a useful product for anyone that is trying to get into any type of archery hunting or archery competition.
Although an archery target alone will not help you at all, it will be the way to help your practice and get your arrows grouped closer. Once you have confidence in your bow, you will be well prepared to go archery hunting.
Table of Contents
Different Types of Targets
Deciding on a Target
Best Bag Archery Targets
Best Foam Box Archery Targets
Best 3D Archery Targets
DIY Archery Target
The Best Target for Crossbows Disarming
FAQ’s About the Best Archery Targets
My Top Choice for an Archery Target
The GlenDel 3D Buck is by far the best life-size archery target. I have had mine for almost 4 years. The arrows are super easy to pull out. It also has great durability with a rotatable vitals area for a long-lasting life of the target. The vital areas are well drawn to get the best insight into how your arrows would penetrate a real deer. The installation of the buck is quick with only 5 parts to the deer. It is also extremely stable and does not fall over while shooting. Just a great product and the best archery target.
Different Types of Targets
There are so many different types and brands of archery targets in the market today. However, I will only be covering the best archery targets.
There are 3 different types of archery targets on the market today. They are bag targets, foam box targets, and 3D targets.
Each type of target serves its own purpose and has strengths and weaknesses.
The Morrell Super Duper Bag Archery Target is a great choice for both compound and crossbow users. Dimensions are 25x15x27 inches. It has the ability to stop an arrow with 400 FPS.
It comes with two shootable sides. One side has deer vitals that contain contrasting colors to get the best visual even when further away. The other side comes with 5 bullseyes. This will be able to meet all your practicing needs.
With the ability to stop a bolt at 400 FPS, the bag still allows for easy removal of bolts and arrows. With easy removal, comes enjoyable practice.
Only shoot field points at this target because broadheads will cut the bag and ruin it. The only downside is that occasionally the colors are a little bit diluted compared to the advertising picture.
The Morrell Super Duper is the best bag archery target in my opinion for both compound and crossbow users. Check the Prices of the Super Duper Here on Amazon.
The GlenDel 3D Buck is by far the best life-size archery target. I have had mine for almost 4 years.
The arrows are super easy to pull out. It also has great durability with a rotatable vitals area for a long-lasting life of the target.
The vital areas are well drawn to get the best insight into how your arrows would penetrate a real deer.
The installation of the buck is quick with only 5 parts to the deer. It is also extremely stable and does not fall over while shooting.
Just a great product and the best archery target. Check the Prices of the GlenDel 3D Buck Archery Target Here on Amazon.
Deciding on a Target for You
When looking to buy a new type of archery target, you only need to consider a couple of factors.
The bag should be able to last longer than 1 or 2 seasons of deer hunting. It also needs to be weather-resistant, so you do not need to move it inside after every time your shoot.
Easy to pull your arrows out
If it is extremely hard to remove your arrows from your archery target, then it will no longer be a pleasure to go shoot your compound bow or crossbow.
On the other hand, if your arrows can be removed easily not only will it be more enjoyable to practice and have fun, but younger kids and family can also have a positive experience while target shooting.
Penetration depth
Penetration depth is my way of referring the how far your arrow or bolt goes into the target.
This is not as much of a problem with compound bows since the arrows are much longer than the bolts of a crossbow.
If you do shoot a crossbow, you want to make sure you get something that can withstand the amount of FPS that your compound shoots. If a target cannot keep the arrow from going too far in, then you run the risk of ruining your fletching and ruining your arrow.
What determines the penetration depth?
The penetration depth of your arrow is all based on how many Feet Per Second (FPS) your weapon shoots.
With the way crossbows and compound bows are being made today, crossbows are shooting over 400 FPS, and compounds are shooting over 300 FPS. It is necessary to know how fast your bow shoots before deciding about which target you need.
Best Bag Archery Targets
- Best Bag Archery Target Overall
- Best Beginner Friendly Bag Archery Target
- Most Durable Bag Archery Target
The Hurricane Bag Archery Target is a great practice bag for anyone just getting into compound or traditional bowhunting. It has the power to stop arrows from those two types of bows, but not a crossbow.
It has a good detailed deer vital drawing on it to get the real-time feel. It also has great contrasting colors to help you zero in your sight pins. Arrows are easily removable making practice easy and enjoyable.
The biggest negative to this bag archery target is its durability of it. There is a likely chance that the Hurricane Target may only last you a season or two. However, the price of this target is super cheap. That is why it is a great beginner archery target!
Check the Prices of the Hurricane Bag Archery Target Here on Amazon.
The Morell Double Duty Archery Target has everything that a regular archer needs. It comes with 4 shootable sides that have many different types of target. The dimensions are 19.25×19.25×19.25 and it has two handles for portability.
This target has the stopping power to make sure that any arrow going 450 FPS or lower will not be a problem. At those speeds, arrow or bolt removal may be a little tough but not impossible.
This target is extremely heavy which is nice when shooting because the target will not move at all.
My only warning to anyone using a high-power crossbow is to try not to shoot at the exact same spot of the previous bolt because this could cause the bolt to go all the way in and ruin the veins.
the Double Duty is a great bag-type archery target for any crossbow hunter and will last you a long time. Check the Prices of the Double Duty Here on Amazon.
The bag archery targets are useful in many ways to your target practice needs.
I use a bag target to put underneath my 3D pre-rut target. This stops arrows from going under the 3D target and potentially damaging my arrows.
It is also extremely useful for sighting in your bows. I like to use my bag target to shoot at close ranges like 5-15 yards to ensure that I do not shoot through my 3D deer target.
At such close ranges, it is also likely that your arrows will be extremely close together. This opens the possibility of hitting your arrows and ruining them. I like the bag targets because they have many different aiming points that allow you to still sight in your bow without breaking arrows.
Never shoot any type of broadhead into a bag archery target because it will be extremely difficult to get your arrow out. It will also cut the bag and ruin it.
Best Foam Box Archery Targets
- Best Overall Foam Archery Target
- Best Foam Target for Crossbows
- Most Durable Foam Achery Target
- Budget Foam Target
The Rinehart Rhino Block XL Target contains everything any crossbow hunter is looking for in a target. The Rhino is an extremely durable block that can stop any crossbow on the market.
The block has dimensions of 18x18x13 and weighs 25 pounds. With that much weight all compacted in the size of the block, the stopping power is unmatched. This target has no problem handling bolts traveling over 450 FPS.
When it comes to pulling your bolts out of the target, you may need some bolt remover lube. This is natural due to the amount of force that the bolt is going in and the dense material that it takes to stop that force.
This block can be shot at with both field points and broadheads. The one side of the Rhino has an insert of a deer’s vitals. This gives you a greater understanding of how to aim. You should not shoot field points at the insert because it is much harder to extract the bolt from the insert than any other side.
This target also has a great contrast of neon green and black for more visibility in the dark. Overall an absolute beast of a target that will last a great deal of time. Check the Prices of the Rinehart Rhino Block XL Here on Amazon.
The Rinhart 18-1 Broadhead Target is a great option when looking for a target to last many years of shooting. With 18 shootable sides, you will have plenty of options to practice. The dimensions are 15x15x15 which makes it portable.
The 18-1 target is a great option for all types of arrow tips. It also has self-healing foam which helps with its long-lasting life.
This target is extremely dense and may take some force to extract your arrows or bolts. However, if you get some arrow remover lube or an arrow grip it will make your experience much more enjoyable.
The Rinhart 18-1 is one of the most durable and well-priced foam targets on the market. I am sure you will love practicing with it.
Check the Prices of the Rinehart 18-1 Target Here on Amazon.
The Black Hole 4-Sided Archery Target is by far the cheapest target on this list. It is truly meant for compound and traditional bows only.
Arrows should remove quite easily due to the less dense material. This target only weighs 9 pounds with can be great for younger and beginner archers. This target will not be able to hold up longer than a season if you shoot every day.
The Black Hole target could also be a great portable target that you take with you to deer camp because it is so light and portable. You will most likely not be taking as many shots in it as well.
Do not shoot broadheads at it because this will cause faster deterioration over time. However, for the price, it is a great beginner target. Check the Prices of the Black Hole 4-Sides Archery Target Here on Amazon.
The main reason you would want to buy a foam target instead of a bag target is the reformable material. The foam targets are designed to have the foam go back to its original starting point once the arrow is pulled out.
This will allow for a longer-lasting archery target.
However, with this reformable material, it will be much harder to remove your arrows with field points. This is because the foam must be packed so closely together to stop the arrow that it squeezes the arrow in-between the foam.
I have never shot broadheads at a foam block before but after doing some reading and research, it seems that a foam archery target is a great option to practice with your broadheads.
Foam archery targets are very lightweight and portable. This makes it the perfect target to take with you if you are traveling to your hunting destination as I do.
It is important to shoot a couple of arrows if possible after traveling with your bow. Sometimes you may hit your sight during travel and throw off the pins enough to miss a deer completely or even worse wound a deer.
That is why the foam targets are a great product to use in a portable way.
Best 3D Archery Targets
The Shooter Buck 3D Deer Archery Target is the only other 3D target that I have heard hunters use.
I do not recommend it because the durability is not there and will not last you a long enough time to make it worth your money. The stability of the target is not great and will likely fall over without something holding it up. The details of the vital drawing are also sub-par.
You can shoot both field points and broadheads into the target which is good.
The Price is pretty cheap but it is worth the money for me to buy the GlenDel 3D Buck rather than the Shooter Buck.
A 3D deer archery target is my personal favorite type of archery target.
It allows you to act out real-life situations and helps you get a much better idea of where your arrows are hitting the deer.
The GlenDel targets (my personal favorite) has well-outlined drawings of the deer’s heart, lungs, and liver. This is perfect for a practice where you need to place your arrows to ensure a lethal shot on a deer.
The 3D target is also life-size which can help you get a better feel for the angle that you will need to hold your bow or crossbow.
If you hunt from a tree stand often it will help you get a better feel for how you need to adjust your aiming point to accommodate for the angle of elevation.
DIY Archery Target
I have never been much of a handyman and have no desire to create my own archery target. However, for those of you that want to do it yourself here is a link to the best DIY Archery Target.
It is important to follow instructions closely to make sure that you are safe while practicing. You need to make sure that your target will stop your arrows.
The Best Target for Crossbows Disarming
Morrell Yellow Jacket Disarming Bag is the most common piece of equipment that I have seen used by crossbow hunters.
This discharging bag makes it easy to remove bolts after a hunt that you did not harvest a deer. This bag is small and portable so you can just throw it in your vehicle and it will be no extra pain.
The discharging bag is the best one on the market and will not let you down. Check out the Prices of the Yellow Jacket Disharging Bag Target Here on Amazon.
It is important as a crossbow hunter to have the proper target to disarm your crossbow after a hunt that you did not harvest a deer.
These types of targets need to be small, portable, and lightweight. You do not want to be hauling around a large target just to shoot one arrow and put your crossbow away.
FAQ’s About the Best Archery Targets
How long will an archery target last?
This all depends on how much you shoot your bow. For instance, both I and my father use the same archery target and we live busy lives so we practice a little less than we would like to.
Our 3D target (which we shoot at the most) has held up for about 4 years. This is with us switching the middle block around all 4 sides.
Our bag target has lasted us about 6 years but takes a lot fewer arrows than our 3D target.
I cannot speak for foam block targets, but my estimation would be that it would last anywhere from 2-4 years.
What type of target is best for broadheads?
The foam box archery targets and the 3D targets are the best archery targets to use while practicing with broadheads.
A bag target will cut open the bag and make it extremely difficult to get your arrow back out of the target. Would never recommend shooting into a bag target with a broadhead.
What is the best archery target for beginners?
If you are a beginner and want to start getting into archery shooting or archery hunting, I would recommend the Black Hole 4-Sided Target.
This target is the least expensive while not compromising all the aspects necessary to enjoy practicing and becoming a better archer.
Finding the best archery targets on the market can be tricky; however, the recommendations that I have given are all great options for each category that they are in. The key is to get something that meets your needs and is in your price range.
Then you will be able to get outside and start preparing for your next hunt!
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